Opel All New
New interface Opel All joins together the function of our two interfaces OpelEDC16 and OpelECU. In addition, is enriched about many functions. One of them is the possibility to read PIN directly by OBD and both joint of controllers. It operates OPEL Insignia and ASTRA IV: read and change KM by OBD.
10.06.2013 NEW option: Corsa C Z10XEP/Z12XEP -read PIN
Linia K
Bosch ME762 Z10XE,Z12XE (opel corsa,combo,astra)-read pin, reset ECU ,change VIN,read memory
Delco Z16XE,Z14XE .Y17DT…..read pin, reset ECU ,change VIN, read memory
Delco HFSI 2.0-2.4
Siemens Simtec MS70 (X18XE1,X20XEV, 1.8, 2.0 benzin astra vectra zafira),read pin, reset ECU , change VIN, read EEprom, write EEPROM
Siemens Simtec MS71 (Z18XE,Z22XE 1.8, 2.0 benzin astra vectra zafira),read pin , reset ECU ,change VIN,read EEprom,write EEPROM, readKM, writeKM
Delphi Z22SEread pin, reset ECU ,change VIN,read memory
Bosch ME155 (astra G 1,2 Benzin)read pin, reset ECU ,change VIN,read memory
PSG16 (Y22DTR,Y20DTH Vectra,Zafira Astra)read pin, reset ECU ,change VIN,read memory, read KM,write KM
Linia CAN
Bosch ME762 -read pin, reset ECU ,change VIN, read memory
Delco MT35 (Z16XEP,Z16XE1 Astra,Vectra,Zafira)read pin, reset ECU ,change VIN,read EEPROM,read KM,write KM
Delco HFSI22 (Z16XE Vectra C )read pin, reset ECU ,change VIN,read EEPROM,read KM,write KM
PSG16 (Y22DTR,Y20DTH Vectra,Signum,Zafira Astra)read pin, reset ECU ,change VIN,read memory,read KM,write KM
EDC16C9 (Z17DTH,Z17DTL,Z19DT Vectra,Signum,Zafira Astra)read pin, reset ECU ,change VIN,read memory,read KM,write KM
EDC16C39 (Z17DTH,Z17DTL,Z19DT Vectra,Signum,Zafira Astra) reset ECU ,change VIN,read KM,write KM
Simtec MS71.5 (Z18XE)read pin, reset ECU ,change VIN,read EEprom, write EEPROM,read KM, write KM
Simtec MS71.6 (Z18XE)read pin, reset ECU ,change VIN,read EEprom,write EEPROM,read KM,write KM
Simtec MS75 (Z18XER)read pin, reset ECU ,change VIN,read EEprom,write EEPROM,read KM,write KM
Simtec MS81 (Z22YH)read pin, reset ECU ,change VIN,read EEprom,write EEPROM,read KM,write KM
Denso 1.7 -read KM,write KM
Opel INISGNIA i ASTRA IV:read and change KM by OBD !!!!
Meriva B Read/Write KM (updating available in price full option from 30.01.2014)
Opel Insignia , Astra IV, Chevrolete Cruze: Read PIN by OBD from ABS
(updating available in price full option from 08.12.2014)
Meriva B :price of lacking updating160 eur
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